FirstClass® Client version 2.7 for Mac™ OS is freely-distributable software used to connect to FirstClass servers by network or modem.
FirstClass Client makes use of several folders that should remain in the same folder as the FirstClass Client application itself:
Settings - The first place the client looks for FirstClass settings files when it starts.
Modems - Where modem configuration settings are saved as individual text files. This folder contains generic modem configuration files for Hayes compatible modems and individual ones for the most popular modems. See below for details about additional modem configuration files.
FCP - Where FirstClass scripts describing various connection methods are stored (do not edit the documents in this folder. They are for use by the client application only.)
Scripts - Where the client looks for login scripts to connect to servers through SprintNet, etc.
Download - The folder FirstClass first suggests when downloading files from a server (note that this "folder" can be an alias to anywhere else in your system—even your desktop, if you're running System 7.)
NOTE - There is an additional collection of individual modem configuration files available in the Other Modems.sea self-extracting archive. Double-click on this to create an Other Modems folder which contains the additional modem configuration files. To install an individual file from this folder for use by the FirstClass client, drag it from the Other Modems folder into the Modems folder. Only drag the individual file you require or else the client will take a long time to produce the pop-up list of available modems.
Installing FirstClass® Client 2.7 is easy. Drag the FirstClass® Client folder, complete with all of its sub-folders, onto your hard drive.
Set up your connection method to the FirstClass server by pressing the setup button on the login window. Press the setup button beside the type of connection to set up details of that connection.
If you have a FirstClass settings file for given FirstClass server, most of your setup information will be stored within that file. Simply double-click on the file after installing FirstClass Client 2.7. (If you have difficulty launching the client this way, you need to rebuild your Macintosh desktop. Consult your Macintosh owner's manual.)
NEW IN 2.7
FirstClass Client 2.7 is a FAT binary release of the client. It is able to run natively on both 68k and PowerPC based Macs.